The main protagonist of The God of High School.
His true identity is Sun Wukong (The Monkey King), one of the Nine Demon Kings.
His name becomes one of infamy and terror after Park Mujin's betrayal, assuming the new identity of Dan Mori.
He eventually achieves Nirvana and is revealed to be the Supreme God Maitreya prophesied by Gaia.

Part 2

Part 3

Part 6

Part 2
Jin Mori (named by Jin Taejin)
Sun Wukong (previous name)
Dan Mori (fake identity)
손오공 (제천대성)
(above the concept of life and death)
Voice Actors
Nam Dohyeong (Korean VA, anime & game)
Kim Shinwoo (Korean VA, Hero Cantare)
Lee Myeonghwi (Korean VA, game, formerly [22])
Tachibana Tatsumaru (Japanese VA, anime & Hero Cantare)
Robbie Daymond (English VA, anime)
Alexis Flamant (French VA, anime)
Veronique Fyon (French VA, anime)
Dennis Saemann (German VA, anime)
Miguel Angel Leal (Spanish VA, anime)
Luiz Sergio Vieira (Portuguese VA, anime)
Jecheondaeseong (official title)
Stone Monkey
Monkey King
King of Savages
King of the Devils
Great King of the Heavens
Divine Emperor
Great Sage, Equal to Heaven
Demon King
Monster among Monsters
The Devil
Supreme God
Master Dan [단쌤] (by Dean)
Little brother [아우] (by King Uma)
Older brother [오빠] (by Ahan)
Older brother [형님] (by Ryong)
Race & Species
Warlord (Formerly)
Student (Formerly)
GOH Participant (Formerly)
Demon King
Terrorist (Formerly)
Supreme God
Chapter 1
Chapter 308 (as Dan Mori)
Episode 1
Age & Birthday
16 (part 1, as Jin Mori)
17 (parts 2-5, as Jin Mori)
19-20 (as Dan Mori)
Unknown, well over 5.67 billion years old (real age)
Birthday: 12th December [7]
Team Seoul (Formerly)
Mount Hwagwa Monkeys (Formerly)
Jin Mori is 177cm tall [7] and has an athletic physique. His eyes are black with bright gold pupils which create crosses that extend all the way to the irises' edges whenever he's irritated or excited. His dark brown hair (sometimes illustrated as black) is purposefully kept long enough to conceal a large scar on his forehead.
He often appears with a dark-green sleeping mask on his head and typically dons a white T-shirt, red sneakers, blue jeans and a jacket he ties around his waist during the GOH Tournament.
He is shown wearing his Dragon Armorsuits and Loop of Binding when he's in his Monkey King mode. His eyes are vibrant blue with black/golden crosses [11] that reach to the edges of the irises.
After being held captive in the Palgwaero for 49 days, he gained the red Eyes of Truth. These were later sealed when he lost the First Heavenly War, unlocked when he devoured Xuanzang, and lost once more when he was sealed. He reclaimed them following his training before entering the Skyscraper.
By the time of Ragnarok, he had multiple scars on his body from the numerous battles he had fought. He typically wears long sleeved shirts to cover them up.
As Dan Mori, he resembles a young adult of medium height (shorter than his Jin Mori appearance). Modeled to be identical to his twin sister, his face has been described as adorable on multiple occasions due to his large black eyes with yellow pupils and teal colored tousled hair.
After the preliminaries of the GOH Tournament, Dan Mori once again wears his signature sleeping mask. During the competition, Mori also dons a blue jacket around his waist, a plaid red shirt and a black hoodie with a flowery motif over the hood. He also regularly appears in a white sleeveless shirt with an orange jacket and a green sweater, as well as a pink orchid shirt with black sleeves and jeans.
After his sister's recovery, Mori cuts his hair, leaving his forehead scar visible. Eventually, the hair regrows to its previous state.
While fighting Park Mubong, Dan Mori's hair gradually becomes white. His Jin appearance retains the white color and has gold colored tips, but he can also return to his original hair color (dark brown).
Xuanzang's spirit gifted him a new Loop of Binding which turns to jade when empowered by Park Taejin's Miracle and red when he attained Nirvana.
In the epilogue, he's seen wearing a gray jeogori paired with jeans and red street shoes. His hair is long and pulled back in a low ponytail. When activating his power, his hair turns white and grows even longer.

Forehead scar

True eye color

Eyes of Truth

Scarred body

Dan Mori
Mori likes victory, good sleep, hot temperatures, roller coasters and noodle dishes. [7]
Mori dislikes defeat, alcohol, cigarettes, traveling, cats and dogs. [7]
Mori has stated that if he were to be eaten, the consumer would gain great power and immortality, as Xuanzang's flesh assimilated with his own. However, it's possible this might've been a lie in order to get the Dragon King to give him weapons in exchange for his body. [23]
Mori's blood type is O. [7]
Dan Ahan's blood type is also O, yet he had to pay someone else to donate blood to her when she urgently needed it. The possible explanation is that he didn't want to risk harming her given that he's not human.
Him (as Dan Mori) and Dan Ahan are identical twins.
Contrary to many fans' beliefs due to chapter 291, Hui Mori is NOT his borrowed power.
Mori mentions that he believes ten hours of sleep are more beneficial for the body and mind, but later in the story he reveals that he only sleeps three. [8]
It is unstated how he lost his memories of being Wukong, but it is possible he may have suffered from Dissociative Amnesia. He regained the memories regarding his identity in the same place where he was forced to devour Xuanzang and at the time where Daewi was about to get impaled by a Nephilim.
According to Hui Mori, Jin Mori is a top student. [10]
The title of the Monkey King ("제천대성") is translated as either"Jecheondaeseong" or "Lord of the Heavens". The author is referring to Jin Mori by his official title "Great Sage, Equal to Heaven", according to the hanja ("齊天大聖").
The game "Hero Cantare" translates "제천대성" as "Heavenly Warlord".
The place where Mori was created by Gaia is the Holy Land. [12]
Mori has a distinct way of walking, as Ilpyo recognized Mori based on that. [13]
According to an April Fools' Day in 2021 with the hashtag "#the truth is" (#사실은), Mori is "good at cooking". His cooking skills are at least above average by nature, as he has frequently cooked on his own since he was a child and is known as a genius who can pick up skills with ease, albeit he's never cooked once onscreen. [14]
His name comes from the Korean traditional music rhythm called "Jajinmori". This also applies to his Dan Mori name, "Danmori".
In episode 569, Mori breaks the fourth wall and thanks the readers for being by his side and hopes we'll stay healthy.
During the RE:GOH Tournament arc, it was mentioned that Dan Mori has a fan club. [21]
During his reign as Wukong, he commanded an army of 12 billion monsters. [20]
He controls Yeoui with his left hand. [15]
Out of all the demons, Mori is the only one that looks almost human and doesn't display any animal traits like Uma, Garuda or Ogre, for example.
In chapter 526, the sculpture "The Resurrection" by Pericle Fazinni is illustrated behind Mori, Mira and Daewi. It depicts Jesus majestically rising from the crater of a nuclear bomb in the Garden of Ghetsemane meant to show that through the chaos, there is hope emerging. This sculpture, in the series, served as a foreshadowing of Mori's awakening as the Supreme God Maitreya and represented the unity of demons, humans, and gods in the fight against the end of the world.
Throughout the story, Mori shows symptoms of mental disorders such as C-PTSD, depression, dissociative disorders and survivor's guilt.
Mori has commited the following crimes throughout the series:
attempted murder;
mass murder;
first-degree murder;
second-degree murder;
third-degree murder;
global terrorism;
crimes against peace;
mass destruction;
grand larceny;
assisted suicide.
[1] Chapter 291
[2] Chapter 11
[3] Chapter 37
[4] Chapter 60
[5] Chapter 41
[6] Chapters 425, 427
[8] Chapters 5, 415
[9] Chapter 188
[10] Chapter 215
[11] Mori's blue and red eye variants used to have black pupils, but they were changed to gold in the later chapters of part 6. It can be assumed that they were redesigned.
[12] Chapter 524
[13] Chapter 357
[15] Chapter 382
[16] Chapter 468
[17] Chapter 283 & 288, Uriel was shown to be capable of lifting Mars, but when she attempted to lift Yeoui, her arms snapped off.
[18] Chapter 467
[19] In chapter 478, The 4 Pillars mention that 5,68 billion years passed, but that is a mistranslation. In the original text, 5,6 billion and 8000 years had passed.
[20] Chapter 258
[21] Chapter 359
[22] She used to voice Jin Mori in the early GOH Game, however, Nam Dohyeong took her place.
[23] Chapter 489
